Getting Serious

Getting Serious

They say there is no fool like an old fool- and now that I am old, I’ve discovered the truth in that.   What was I thinking? Getting fit enough to walk 850 km was always going to be a challenge but doing it in a Wellington winter is sheer madness. Slugging it out with the wind and the rain, up hills in the slush, down slippery moss covered slopes and pounding brutal pavements in the dark. An old fool for sure. 

As we crank ourselves up for this trip I understand again that particular one of my many flaws. The one that leads me to come up with a random idea, not really think it through properly but then tell everyone about it, effectively blocking  my own retreat. I vaguely recall that may be how I ended up getting married, signing up for the Rotorua marathon and agreeing  to take a job that involved public relations for traffic cops- what was I thinking!  

However- we now have about 25 days to go. Still not fit, still haven’t sorted out our gear, still don’t know how to get from Heathrow to Irun in Spain or if it’s really possible. And I still don’t care. 

So - bring it on is what I say.  Because that’s the other thing about being an old fool, you really don’t have to care.

We must be Mad!

We must be Mad!

Are We Nearly There Yet?

Are We Nearly There Yet?