Daft Dollery

Daft Dollery

Today I went out –I mean out out- not the little toddle to the gate or the timid shuffle round the block. I actually drove my car and went all the way to the supermarket. I decided another day without toothpaste and another day without the cryptic crossword was just too much- so I went.

I had a bit of a mental struggle about taking off my ugg boots even though this is Foxton- wearing pyjamas to the supermarket is normal here. However, I decided I still have standards to maintain and changed into shoes.

I felt so uneasy. I didn’t want to be in the supermarket after all. The two metre gap seemed too close. I felt as though any one of those people could be infecting me, invisibly, stealthily, their germs jumping unseen over to me. It’s really not nice and not a nice way to be looking at your poor beleaguered neighbours. This is clear evidence that I am not cut out for this and already losing perspective. Weird times lead to weird behavior.

So – if you are wondering about the picture-that’s the bird feeder I
made. See what I mean about weird behavior.  I’m hoping that the tui family living round here might like to pop in for a drink, in the absence of people popping round
for a drink. After all, sugar water is cheaper than sauvignon blanc and no Covid-19
from them. So far they haven’t bothered to show, preferring the neighbour’s
more salubrious bird feeder accommodation and probably a much better drop from
the cellar as well. 

The days are filled with weird little highs and lows. The low for today was when I sat down to do the crossword after my supermarket mission and realized that my hoodie was on inside out. Why did I bother with the shoes????

Self-improvement Goals

Self-improvement Goals

The Rat Dahlia

The Rat Dahlia