More Dollery

More Dollery

And just when you thought it was safe, just when the dolls seemed to be back in the box and onto the high shelf in the cupboard- WE’RE BACK!!  But don’t panic - not for long. 

The Dolls are having a little trip to Invercargill and the Deep South. Weird? No - not really- we have a fine family down there although the southern doll family is not so walkie talkie - more skiing and fleeing!! Southland is the Wallis spiritual home - turangawaewae for Brian - but not us- we are just carpetbagging strangers from the north. 

We had planned a South Island roadie following a little family party in Gore but Laura inconveniently went and got a job- very selfish I thought!!! So now it’s just one mummy doll going for a drive round the south alone. 

Day one and so far so good - the weather, always top of mind when heading south, from the glimpse I can get out of the airplane window, looks benign, and I’m pleased to report that Air NZ is giving out fudge- that’s new- perhaps a post -Covid sweetener or is it just that I haven’t been in a plane for so long? But of course, appearances can be decieving and things are not always what they may seem. The watery sunshine, non-threatening from up here may be masking a viscous burst of ugly weather and the fudge is exactly that- a sweet diversion! 

The moral of the story from an an ancient old cynic? Don’t be fooled by appearances but look for the good anyway. The fudge was really nice and the birthday cake is even better. 

Wet and Forget

Wet and Forget

Shopping anyone??

Shopping anyone??