The Dolls do Xmas

The Dolls do Xmas

Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year from the Walkie Talkie Dolls. You may have wondered what happened to us after we squeezed our thighs of steel into our new Spanish designer jeans and took that torture plane journey back to New Zealand.

Our re -entry after the Camino has had its  challenges and we both long for those endless  carefree days that required no more of us than to stay upright and to keep moving forward. Now there are pesky troubles like careers and bills and overgrown gardens to be addressed.Laura dreams about walking  the Portuguese Camino and I wonder idly about walking New Zealand’s Te Araroa trail. It’s a fair old challenge and might take a bit of planning. I am settling for the Abel Tasman Track in February in the meantime. 

The Dolls are currently holed up in Foxton Beach (known to us as Foxta Del Sol). We have had a great Xmas; we broke with the great Xmas tradition of eating an enormous meal of about four different types of meat and roast everything (including carrots these days),  until everyone is cast on couches for the rest of the afternoon.  We decided we would only eat what we wanted to - forget tradition. This meant that we had prawn cocktails for breakfast and then we just ate trifle for the rest of the day. It took a bit of fortitude but we eventually polished it all off. We also had a few bottles of Spanish wine to wash it down. ! 

We hope this finds you all, our lovely friends and supporters,  well and happy and looking forward to a great year in 2020. 

Here at Foxta Del Sol tonight, we will be very busy working on our New Year’s Resolutions which Laura prefers to describe as “long-term aspirations’. There is sure to be something about diets and not spending so much on shoes. Plus I’m going to be nicer, especially to rude people in shops and cafes- and Laura is going to find a nice boyfriend. The Spanish marriage proposals don’t seem such a good idea from here. So it looks like it might be a year of nice! That’s probably enough for now - we will keep you posted when we get the list completely sorted. 

Have a great 2020 and keep in touch with us. 

Lots of love  Lesley and Laura

Inside the Doll’s House

Inside the Doll’s House

The Dolls are Done!

The Dolls are Done!