Spooky Dreams

Spooky Dreams

Last night I had a dream- it was that awful airport dream where you miss the plane, but in my dream when I got to the plane it turns out everyone had to get in a dinghy one dinghy each. I turned away for a second and when I turned back, my dingy was gone. They had those little outboard motors and I saw everyone else putt-putting out to sea and I was left on the beach. No prizes for analysing what that was about. 

I had stayed in this place called Teschemakers. It’s an old convent and boarding school where my sister-in-laws went to school and suffered for a few years in the 60’s. Now they remember the cold and the nuns and running in the athletic champs. I saw what seems like an amazing aberration in New Zealand with our new wooden buildings. It felt like Europe, ancient deep walled crumbling stone. The nuns are gone now and it has been restored for the Asian tourist trade- sadly lacking right now of course. So instead,  just a couple of us washed up in this place miles out in the country near Oamaru in unexpected and  surprising luxury inside the old stone buildings with very effective central heating. The grounds are vast with huge bare old Oak trees and daffodils trying to come up.   It was incredibly sumptuous, big beds and very white towels, so such a spooky juxtaposition. Under floor heating and religious icons everywhere. It’s lucky I’m a-religious or I could have been really spooked - Covid and Jesus on the cross! 

It seems Dolling around the place right now might not be as wise as it seemed a few weeks ago, I hope I make it home!  L🌺 

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Cold Camino