Cold Camino

Cold Camino

So I got a rental car and drove to Bluff. It was astounding. Wild and brutal with rusty old machinery everywhere. It truly does feel like the end of the earth. I looked at the sign post at the very end of the point -  everyone takes a photo of themselves leaning on it but somehow a selfie felt a bit lame so instead I walked the path along the coast for a while. It was gorgeous, a tui came with me- right beside me. The path is not difficult and so I walked a few kms until it started to rain- well rain sounds a bit benign- it was sleet really. But it felt a bit like walking a very cold Camino- intrepid. 

It is so different down here in the deep deep South- so much more elemental. 

And a National billboard in every farmer’s field - I wonder if Crusher will be happy with this one!  

Spooky Dreams

Spooky Dreams

Wet and Forget

Wet and Forget