Don’t give up your day job

Don’t give up your day job

“We are going to find a cafe

It’s is going to be real great

We are going to drink a coffee

Then I can urinate”

These are the lyrics to Laura’s first attempt at song writing this morning. Somehow I have the feeling this is not the beginning of a a new career.

But long uphills and many kilometres between villages can make for some strange mind games.

The Dolls are done with dolling. The Malibu Barbie, Movie Star Barbie or even Barbie and Ken, don’t get a mention here. We are the Kiwis with thighs of steel! Iron Maidens!

After 22 days we are now starting to believe we can actually do it and while we are really really tired, we know we can keep on going.

The weather is cooling down a little and rain is always threatening but never actually coming. I think we actually out walk it every day.

Laura and I feel strong, feel resolute and feel compatible but she sure is useless at song writing.

Clean Living

Clean Living

Struggle Street

Struggle Street