Clean Living

Clean Living

If cleanliness is next to godliness, I think I might be losing my religion! 

I have grown accustomed to being a bit gross. At first I washed everything obsessively and hung it out on my bunk to dry, but after a few days of washing my socks at the end of the day and discovering that they are still damp in the morning, the fear of blisters took over. So I have taken to joining all the other stinky pilgrims! I’m now just focused on keeping myself clean and letting my clothes look after themselves. I spent a fortune at Lululemon buying anti-stink T-shirt’s so BOOM do your work Lululemon! I do now dream about washing machines though, and have fantasies about the big luxurious towels stacked in the cupboard at home, I hope they don’t miss me as much as I miss them.

We have spent a lot of time obsessing over our hair. Seperate to my fringe cutting tantrum, Mum and I started the trip by stealing hotel shampoos and thinking we were so clever because the bottles are so small and light...then after our hair started to look and feel like straw we changed our minds! Mum decided her blonde hair was looking too yellow so spent two weeks learning how to ask for purple shampoo in Spanish. After she had success with that I also invested in some decent shampoo. I now fall asleep smelling the delicious smells of my own head! #winning! 

In this pilgrim environment my OCD is the best thing about me. It’s not annoying to others that I’m obsessively tidy, it doesn’t impact them at all. In fact in these tightly packed dorm rooms it’s a bonus. When you are getting dressed in a dark room full of men it’s vital to have everything easily accessible to you. Otherwise you can get to the end of the day like mummy doll did today and find you have been walking in public with your pants inside out! So every item in my pack is precisely organised, I know where everything is at any moment. Packing cubes are stacked into my pack, belongings are stacked inside my packing cubes. I have it all sorted. This is my time to shine!! 

Love Laura 

Love stories

Love stories

Don’t give up your day job

Don’t give up your day job