A love letter to my mother

A love letter to my mother

Today is your birthday, another year older, another year better! 

I am so proud to be your daughter. 

I feel so thankful that you never judge me, simply support and encourage me. My crazy decisions, my lazy ways, you always let me be me. You nudge me gently in the right direction but you never push me, and you always let me take the credit in the end. Remember all those uni essays you basically wrote for me and then told me how smart I was when I got good marks? 

There are thousands of reasons to love you. You are thoughtful and kind, always checking that Elspeth is ok as well as Reuben and I. You worry about everyone and I know it can be a burden to take on that much worry. 

You are so clever! Sometimes I can’t believe we are of the same ilk. How do you know all this stuff? How can you be good at everything? How can you be both crafty and smart? You amaze me! 

You are beautiful and you don’t know it. You have great hair, phenomenal skin and amazing style. Even despite the pitfalls of the FaceTime angles. I think you always look like gorgeous.

I can’t believe how strong you are, you walked by my side for over 800km. Nobody knows this but sometimes we ran when we wanted to overtake people. You think you are old but you are not. Every new day, you are simply another day more incredible! You are amazing!  

What a lucky girl I am to have a mother like you. I am am thrilled to be funny and weird just like you. 

This lockdown has been hard for you, i know this. It has been lonely being on your own for such a long time. Yes you have gone a little mad but you have been so brave. 

I am so sorry I can’t be with you for your birthday, I will be thinking about you all day and can’t wait to celebrate when we can. 

I love you! 

Love your Lulu! 

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