Before I left New Zealand, someone asked me to document all the fights mum and I had. So I will dutifully oblige! 

Our current argument status is a whopping zero! I will not lie she finds me incredibly bossy when it comes to technology and she thinks my walking gait is jerky so she can’t walk in rhythm with me! I think she seems a little directionally challenged at times and maybe brushes her hair a little much! Oh and she bought this jingly bracelet that I hate. But that’s it! That’s our grievances aired. 

We are now known as the mother and daughter from New Zealand. When people meet us they say ‘oh you’re the mother and daughter, we have heard about you.’ Men seem to assume we must fight a lot and make comments that align with that, but women seem to be a little envious that we like each other so much. I hope we inspire people to call their mums. 

We are known as fast walkers. We overtake people which makes them think we are fast, but the truth is we just like being with each other so we walk on by so as not to let others ruin our vibe. We do make some exceptions and welcome people into our doll house...but we will always eventually walk on! 

We spend a lot of time making up songs about psycho dogs, filming weird tour guide documentaries at locations we know nothing about, and comparing the lives of New Zealand cows to Spanish cows. We are even considering starting a clothing line for cows. If horses can have winter coats why can’t cows? Mum is really really funny, it’s kind a weird and wonderful thing to realise that the woman who worked so hard and then came home to cook and clean and organise our entire family is actually also hilarious! We laugh a lot!

Mum is kind to me and very patient, she gives me her last Compeed and listens to my moan about my weird mystery pains. She is also constantly moaning about how she is so so old, but she is a trooper who could easily out-walk me, and I can’t think of anyone I would rather be walking with.

Love you mum! ❤️

5 Kilometre Flatline!

5 Kilometre Flatline!

Mind Games

Mind Games