Wet and Forget

Wet and Forget


Invercargill cemetery is flat, chilly and damp. We went directly from the airport to the cemetery- we did not pass go. It is a ritual in Invercargill; the Wallis patriarch is buried there.

We walked along the cold crunchy paths and looked at the graves. Granite rectangles and plastic flowers. Some seemed neglected, lichen and moss obscuring the lettering on the gravestones. It was all a bit depressing really. 

My brother-in-law said briskly - someone needs to get down here with a scrubbing brush. They need to clean these graves up a bit.   We suggested that might be an outing he could plan for the future, perhaps it would be suitable for a Sunday drive with his second wife.
Maree, his current and only possible wife ever,  suggested that perhaps in that unlikely and surreal far off future they could clean  up her gravestone with some Wet and Forget. 

It was funny at the time but somehow, I think you had to be there. L🌺🌺

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