5 Kilometre Flatline!

5 Kilometre Flatline!

Days are long, the roads are now flat, we all seem to walk with this strange humpbacked hobble. Sometimes we get tired and just sit down on the side of the road.

We are so close but it still feels far away. Everyone has this sense of excitement but also fear. We don’t want it to end!

It doesn’t matter if your day is 10km or 30km when you reach the point where you have 5km left to walk your body starts to pack up. Aches appear, we get the grumps, we drag our feet and we complain...A LOT! We call it the 5km flatline.

Now it feels like we are experiencing a flatline that lasts days as we inch ever closer to the end of our journey. It feels like our friends are dropping off day by day. Sometimes the challenge is not to cross the finish line but to learn that this adventure doesn’t have a finish line and is just a really really long walk.

But we will finish. On Saturday we will arrive!

Laura xxxx

The left behinds

The left behinds